This page is no longer maintained. New email contact is sschluet(at) (replace "(at)" with "@")

Steve's Home Page

Drag the mouse in the window below to move around, hold SHIFT or CONTROL while dragging for other perspective changes, or use keys (arrows, z, x, d, c, i, j, k, l) or click on the buttons located around the edges of the window.
If you are experiencing poor performance with the 3D viewer below, try it on a page by itself.

There's Java here You're missing out on the 3D java that is here


The latest version of my Marathon 2 map editor for the PC, "Obed."


"Academy for Planetary Defense:" A great Marathon 2 scenario created by Hana Ohkawa and myself using my M2 map editor for the PC, "Obed."


Problems with Integer-Divide-By-Zeros while playing Marathon 2 on your PC? Here's a patch that I wrote to take care of the problem!
Marathon and its logo are trademarks of Bungie Software
Simple Two-player 3D engine for the PC (DOS! old!), written by me
See some ray-traced images created by my own basic ray-tracing program

MIT hockey pictures

Since 8/3/97: several